Kids Arts Academy COVID 19 Prevention measures
We will be using the following measures to ensure we are keeping the
children as safe as possible:
Arrival at the holiday clubs:
We will be taking the temperature of the children attending the activities
using a non-touch thermometer prior to signing them in.
We will ask parents to remain at the gate to the Outdoor activity centre and
will collect the children and sign them in from that point.
Please do not drive down the driveway to the activity centre – we have been
asked by the lettings department of the Girl Guides OAC to request parents
remain at the gate.
Class sizes and social distancing within the club:
-We have greatly reduced the capacity of each class to 15 children. This is to
ensure we can maintain social distancing between year groups.
-We will have the same members of staff working throughout the holiday and
after school club. We have adapted our time with the children to ensure so that
they will either be outside in the fresh air during break times or inside seated and
enjoying their creative activities.
Seating and social distancing:
-We will be seating the children at tables 2 which will be spaced out metres
-Pupils will be asked to use hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the
room, which will be provided at the door.
-Pupils will be using the toilets one at a time and the toilets will be cleaned in
between use
Materials and equipment:
-Separate materials and equipment packs will be provided on the desks for
each child at the holiday club and table group at the after school clubs.
The children will be reminded before each activity and at regular intervals
throughout to ensure they stick to using their allocated equipment.
Pencils will be colour coded to help identify them.
Each art pack will be cleaned at the end of the session and not used again
until the following session.
Cleaning and ventilation:
-All areas will be cleaned prior to staring the activities and at the end of the
activity- desks, tables, handles, toilets etc.
-The space will be kept well ventilated where possible by keeping windows/
doors open.
– Our staff will supervise hand washing and the children will be required to
sanitise their hands when they arrive and be reminded to wash their hands
throughout the day, not just when using the bathroom. We will have hand
sanitiser stationed throughout the venue for the children to use as well and
will undertake regular cleaning of high touchpoints and equipment.
Collection of children:
-Parents will be asked to keep social distanced when collecting.
-Pupils, parents, staff, suppliers etc will be told not to enter the setting if
they are displaying any symptoms of the coronavirus.
What happens if a child is showing symptoms of Covid-19 whilst attending the Kids Arts Academy?
All families are asked to declare that their household is showing no signs of
Covid-19 symptoms prior to attendance.
If a child starts to show symptoms of Covid-19 whilst in our care we have a
non-contact thermometer which we can use if a child starts to feel unwell
whilst in our care, parents will be contacted to collect the child immediately
and we will then follow the Government Guidelines to deal with caring for this
child and the rest of the children.
For after school clubs:
-If your child is unwell whilst at school on the day that we are running the
clubs the child will remain in the care of the school until the child is collected.
-If a pupil or staff member tests positive, we will have up to date contact
information for everyone attending classes so NHS test and trace can speak
directly to those that have been in contact to offer advice
Does my child need to wear a facemask?
All secondary school aged children should bring their own facemasks and will be
asked to wear them when transitioning through the venue where social
distancing is not possible.
Will there be testing on-camp, like there is in schools?
All secondary school pupils should continue to follow the Dfe testing guidelines
as set out by their school policies.
Does my child need to have a negative test
in order to attend camp?
Children under the age of 11 do not need to have a test to attend camp.
Children in secondary school should continue with testing (as part of their
school’s policy). Anyone with symptoms (even if recently had a negative LFD
test result), should self-isolate in line with Government guidance. A PCR test
should be taken as soon as possible.
All the Best
Hannah and the Kids Arts Academy Team