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Times & Prices

Please note that lunchtime is from 12:30 to 1:00 PM. All children staying for the full day will have their packed lunches during this time. If children are switching between art and cooking sessions, the change will take place after lunch
Times Prices
Full Day Art or Animation (9.30am til 4pm)

Half day art/animation AM (9.30am-12.30pm) or PM (1-4PM)

Full day Cooking (9.30am til 4pm)

Half day Cooking AM (9.30am-12.30pm) or PM (1-4PM)





Additional hours – early start 8.30am to 9.30am £7
Additional hours – late finish 4pm till 5.30pm  £10
Additional hours – late finish 4pm til 4.30pm  £3.50


Where Days open Ofsted registered How to book
Tapton Secondary School
S10 5RG
Mon to Fri school holidays ( excl. bank holidays) Not currently registered with Ofsted. Book online
Banner Cross Methodist Church Hall S11 9PE Mon to Fri school holidays ( excl. bank holidays) Not currently registered with Ofsted. Book online
Ranmoor Parish Centre, 5 Ranmoor Park Rd, Sheffield S10 3G Mon to Fri school holidays ( excl. bank holidays) Registration Number 2646240
Setting Reference Number: 2663354
Book online
Lady Manners School, Shutts Lane, Bakewell DE45 1JA Mon to Fri school holidays ( excl. bank holidays) Not yet registered. Book online
King Edward VII Lower School,101 Darwin Lane, Sheffield 

S10 5RG

Mon to Fri school holidays ( excl. bank holidays) Registration Number 2646240
Setting Reference Number: 2765359
Book online

Structure of the day

We are open from 8.30AM to 5.30PM, however our main activities are taught from 9.30AM to 4. PM. Outside of the main activities we offer a range of games, books and low key creative activities for the children to choose from.

Early start, low key activities, colouring and free drawing.

At 9.30am the majority of the children start to arrive and we settle all the children in together in the main activity room.

We go through the ‘Plan for the Day’ with the children. Children are put into their activity groups and if they have brought a snack with them they will have that whilst the activity leader settles them in to their group and introduces the activity.

Morning activity comes to a close.

Children all have their packed lunches, after which they have some time to play, if the weather permits we will be making use of the outdoor space and having some playtime outside.

Children are put into their afternoon activity groups and the afternoon session runs until 4pm.

End of the afternoon session. Children are collected to by their parent/guardian.

The children who are staying for the later finish are collected by their adults.

Please note – children younger than 5 years old who are not yet in full time education may only attend half day sessions, i.e. 9.30am-12.30pm or 1pm- 4pm; this is in line with Ofsted recommendations.

What your child needs to bring

All materials and ingredients are provided for the children and included in the price at all of our clubs.

If your child is staying with us for the full day they will just need a packed lunch; if they are coming for a half-day they are more than welcome to bring a snack. We always supply drinking water. Please note that to avoid any potential allergy issues, nuts are not permitted on the premises. This includes any snacks containing nuts.

The children will be getting some time outside in the designated playground for a little while at lunchtime, unless the weather is not permitting. It is therefore advisable to send them with a coat/sunhat/sun cream depending on the time of year!

Art and Animation Club: We advise that children wear something that it is not precious! You can send them with an old t-shirt or paint- shirt if you like.

Cooking Club: We do have foil containers that the food will be sent home but you can bring your own tin or Tupperware container if preferred.

Ofsted registered Venue ( Voluntary childcare register) Ofsted Reg. Number
Banner Cross Methodist Church Hall, 12 Ecclesall Road South
Sheffield  S11 9PE
Setting Reference Number: 2646239
Kids Arts Academy Ranmoor Parish Centre, Ranmoor Parish Centre, 5 Ranmoor Park Road, SHEFFIELD S10 3GX Setting Reference Number: 2663354
King Edward VII Lower School,101 Darwin Lane, Sheffield S10 5RG Setting Reference Number: 2765359

Current Venues, Ofsted Info & Current Ofsted registered venues:

Our holiday clubs have been registered with Ofsted on the Voluntary Childcare Register since 2009. The reason the holiday clubs are registered on the Voluntary Childcare register and not the Compulsory Childcare register is that the pupose of the holiday clubs is the creative activity, not the childcare.

Being registered with Ofsted has meant that we can provide parents with the assurance that we have all of the Safeguarding procedures in place. Please see below to download a copy of our Parent’s Information Guide which contains copies of our policies and procedures.

To download our Kids Arts Academy Parents Information Guide please click here. This guide contains our Safeguarding Policy, Complaints Procedures, and also includes Ofsted’s ‘Requirements for the Childcare Register: childcare providers on non-domestic or domestic premises’.

To go to the Ofsted website and view the information about the necessary requirements to be registered on the Voluntary Childcare Register please click here.

Both of our venues were inspected by Ofsted in 2013 and have received their stamp of approval. As a childcare provider on the Voluntary Childcare Register it is only possible to receive a pass or fail, both inspections were a really postive experience and on both occasions we passed successfully.

Additional Information for Parents:

We take great pride in the quality of service and care that we provide at the Kids Arts Academy and always welcome feedback from parents and children.

Below is some of the information which is also included in the Kids Arts Academy Parents Information Guide.

Medical notes:

Please ensure that if your child needs to be administered medication during their time with us that you have given us full details and completed a ‘Consent to administer medication’ form – you can request this by contacting us or download it by clicking here.

Also, please ensure that you have given us the full details on your registration form of any special requirements your child has.

Accident reporting:

In the event that your child has an accident during their time with us, upon collection of your child, the relevant parent must sign an incident report form so that they are immediately and fully aware of anything that may have occurred to their child that day.

Mobile phones:

We recognise that parents may want to be able to contact their children during their time at the Kids Arts Academy but we would prefer your children not to bring mobile phones because of the possibility of them being lost, stolen or damaged. Any mobile phones that have a camera must be handed in to one of the adults for the duration of the day.

Uncollected child:

There are a number of reasons why a child may remain uncollected at the end of the day, perhaps if a parent is delayed or confused about who is collecting or about the time of collection.

Should you be delayed in the collection of your child please call us on 07967 653946

However, if we are not contacted and a child remains uncollected then we will follow the below procedure:

  • We will attempt to contact you using the child details information.
  • At least two adults will remain with the child until collected.
  • We will not allow the child to return home alone or with an unauthorised adult unless we have your permission.
  • If after two hours no one arrives to collect the child and we have been unable to contact anyone by telephone, we will call the appropriate local authorities.